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Minutes 02/16/2006
Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, February 16, 2006

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, February 16, 2006 in the third floor conference room at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts at 7:00 p.m.

Those present were: Walter Power, Chuck Puleo, Gene Collins, Paul Durand, John Moustakis, Pam Lombardini, Christine Sullivan, Tim Kavanagh, and Tim Ready. Also present were Staff Planner Dan Merhalski and Eileen Sacco, Clerk.

Members Absent: None

Proposed Rezoning of Endicott School – Boston Street

City Planner Lynn Duncan addressed the Board and noted that the questions raised by the Board during the brief discussion held at the last Planning Board meeting regarding the rezoning of the Endicott School, warranted much more thoughtful consideration of the proposed zoning change.  She noted that the zoning amendment that will be considered by the Council and the Planning Board will be that the portion of the site that is R2 will be rezoned R3.  She noted that this would be consistent with the neighborhood. She also noted that this will indicate that the city is interested in pursuing this type of development.

Ms. Duncan suggested that the joint public hearing with the City Council could be held on Thursday, March 16, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.  She asked that members notify Dan Merhalski if that is a good night for them and they will schedule the meeting with the City Clerk.

Continuation of Public Hearing – Definitive Subdivision, Cluster Residential Development, Wetland Special Permit – 57 Marlborough Road – Osborne Hills Realty Trust – Atty. Brian McGrail

Atty. Brian McGrail addressed the Board and stated that he thought that a good starting point this evening would be for the consultant for the peer review of the engineering for the site make his presentation.

Preston Samuel addressed the Board and explained that he has completed the peer review of the engineering plans for Osborne Hills Realty Trust and has made 114 comments, many of which were housekeeping issues.  He noted that there were five significant issues that the Board should keep an eye on to protect the interests of the city.  He also noted that a meeting was held with the City Engineer, the developer’s representatives and himself regarding the peer review of the plans.  

The five significant comments are as follows:

1.      The need to consider reducing the number of sewer pump stations, and the need to include a reserve capacity in the wet wells of the stations.

Mr. Samuel suggested eliminating the pump station on Strongwater Drive near lot 124 and have the sewer gravity flow down to the proposed pump station near lot 100. He noted that this would greatly reduce the future maintenance costs, as well as reducing the construction costs.

2.      The need to provide computations for design of the water supply system for his review.

Mr. Samuel recommended that the Water Department get a consultant and have them develop a model that will forecast the flow and that submittal will be reviewed when it is received.

Dan Merhalski noted that the Engineering Department has contracted with CDM on the development of a model.

3.      The need to specify the exact type, size, and location (by beginning and ending station) of each bridge or structural culvert.

Mr. Samuel noted that the material is important and the location of the structures to the wetlands, noting that they want to make sure that the plan is something that would be approved by the Conservation Commission.  He also noted that the delineated wetlands and the edge of the buffer zones should be shown in the vicinity of the bridges and culverts to make it clear that the structures are to span the resource area.

4.      The need to consider running utility lines under the bridges rather than making excavated wetlands crossings.

Mr. Samuel suggested supporting the force main and the water main on Strongwater Drive on the two proposed bridges and connect to the appropriate mains at the intersection of Osborne Hills Drive.  He also noted that this would eliminate the wetland impact during construction incurred by placing these utilities.

5.      The need to reconsider the use of a median island on Strongwater Drive.

Mr. Samuel stated that he expected there would be safety issues involved with the median island and noted that the plans currently call for an eight foot median on Strongwater Drive separating the two directions of traffic as a means to provide a second access route for emergency vehicles to this area of the subdivision.  He further noted that it is questionable whether having this median would actually help provide a second access route due to the narrowness of the median.  Occurrences such as fallen trees and even some auto accidents could block both travel lanes thus leaving emergency vehicles no secondary route. Mr. Samuel stated that this is an opinion and should be treated as such as well as the mention is to ensure that the median will serve its purpose rather than cause daily irritation to homeowners.  He also suggested investigating the possibility of an emergency access road only through the land on the Peabody side.

Atty. McGrail noted that the Fire Department is looking at emergency access.

Chuck Puleo questioned the water capacity.  Mr. Samuel noted that increasing the cap of the pump station would result in a high amount of water coming up and that would be an issue. He also noted that that the computations should moderate pressure on Marlborough Road and that information may be obsolete and there could be more pressure on Marlborough Road than the computations show.

John Moustakis asked what the worst-case scenario would be if the power goes out.  Mr. Samuel stated that there would be natural gas engines to run the power for the pump stations. He explained the proposed system and the emergency response plan.

Christine Sullivan noted that it is hard to make a decision without the data on the water and asked when they would be running the model and get the results, noting that it is important information.  Dan Merhalski noted that CDM is going to do the model on the water and sewer and when the results come back they will be reviewed.

John Pitroski of 102 Marlborough Road recalled that when the Marlborough Road construction was done the foreman told him that they left an 8” stub for the utilities at the entrance to Osborne Hills.

Roger Leger addressed the Board and noted that it has still not been determined how many homes will be built.

Ward Three Councillor Jean Pelletier addressed the Board and asked when the concerns of the report will be addressed.  Mr. Samuel reported that a meeting was held this morning with the City Engineer and the Development Team.

Chuck Barton of 26 Marlborough Road addressed the Board and expressed his concern about the impact this project will have on the neighborhoods.  He noted that there are minimum flow requirements and residual pressure requirements to fight fires.

City Planner Lynn Duncan addressed the Board and noted that there has been no discussion to date on providing water to the units that could potentially be developed in Peabody.

Ward Four Councillor Leonard O’Leary addressed the Board and stated that he is concerned about the water and sewer and noted that he sent a letter to City Engineer Bruce Thibodeau and has not received a response. He stated that he feels that water will be a problem and needs to be addressed, suggesting that a water tank should be installed on Highland Avenue.  Councillor O’Leary also noted that he has scanned the comments and agrees with the consultant.

John Moustakis addressed Mr. Samuel and asked at what point they could tell if the water is maxed in that area.  Mr. Samuel noted that the model of the water and sewer will give all the answers to all situations.  Dan Merhalski noted that when the Public Works Department receives the data on the model the Planning Department will get a copy and they will get the information out to the Board.  John Moustakis stated that he wants to know ahead of time what we are facing down the road.

Councillor Pelletier addressed Mr. Samuel and asked who would be responsible for the upkeep of the pumping stations.  Mr. Samuel stated that the city would assume responsibility for the maintenance of the pump stations. Councilor Pelletier stated that he would like to see the very best pumps available used for the project so that the city will not be replacing them in five years.  Mr. Samuel explained the process for selecting pumps and noted that usually pump stations are selected that are similar to others used in the city, noting that similar parts, etc. are taken into consideration.  He also noted that spare parts are included up front for maintenance ease.

Mr. Pitroski of 102 Marlborough Road addressed the Board and noted that the water pressure on Marlborough Road is 106 lbs and drops to 90 when you turn on a sprinkler.

City Planner Lynn Duncan addressed those present and stated that in general the drainage plans were developed well.  She stated that there are a couple of areas noting the overland corner in swales in the back yards and she has asked them to take a look at that.

Atty. Brian McGrail addressed the Board and stated that they are pleased with the report of the consultant.  He noted that he cannot speak to the issues but noted that a meeting was held with the City’s Engineering Department and Mr. Mello is addressing the issues. He also noted that the median was designed to deal with the road length to the cul-de-sac and discussions with the fire chief.

Lynn Duncan stated that she would schedule a meeting with the fire chief to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

Walter Power addressed the location of the potential store on the site and suggested that the location be moved back to the cross roads or somewhere in that area. Atty. McGrail stated that they would take a look at that. City Planner Lynn Duncan stated that she would like to have further conversations about that noting that the zoning is not in place for that kind of use. Atty. McGrail suggested that they leave a certain time frame for the city to get the permits in place for the use or the land will revert to open space.  Lynn Duncan questioned how that would work. Atty. McGrail explained that they would retain ownership of the parcel with a covenant and a requirement that the land be turned over to the city.  Lynn Duncan noted that she has not looked at the site for the proposed store and stated that she would have to take a look at the zoning to make sure that it conforms to the zoning for the area should it move forward.

Roger Leger addressed the Board and stated that this is the first he has heard of a store on the site.  Walter Power explained that he felt that the possibility of a small store on the site would reduce the additional traffic for off-site trips to get supplies and reduce the amount of time people spent in their cars.

Mr. Barton addressed the Board again and expressed his concern about the displacement of wildlife noting that he has seen coyotes in the area.

A discussion was held on the date to continue the public hearing to. Christine Sullivan noted that she would not be present at the meeting on March 16th. Atty. McGrail requested that the public hearing be continued to March 16, 2006 with the expectation that they may ask for a continuation to April 6, 2006, noting that they would like all members to participate in the process.

City Planner Lynn Duncan requested that the applicant request an extension of the time limit for the Board’s approval to April 30, 2006.

Paul Durand made a motion to request an extension of the time for the Board to approve the project until April 30, 2006, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved (9-0).

Paul Durand made a motion to continue the Public Hearing until the March 16, 2006 Planning Board meeting, 2006, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved (9-0).

Old/New Business

Clothes Collection Bins

Chuck Puleo noted that there are clothes collection bins on Highland Avenue and he thinks that they are prohibited in an entrance corridor. Dan Merhalski reviewed the regulations and did not find anything to prohibit them.

Cluster Subdivisions

It was noted that the City Council is looking at prohibiting cluster subdivisions in the city. It was suggested that an information session be held to educate everyone on the cluster subdivision and the benefits that can be had. Christine Sullivan suggested bringing in an expert and have them show what a cluster should look like. Tim Ready suggested inviting Mayor Driscoll to join in this and perhaps she could chair a meeting of the City Council and the Planning Board.

Old Police Station Site

Christine Sullivan addressed the Board and noted that she has received complaints from condo owners of the old Police Station site.  She explained that she and Russ Vickers from the SRA visited the site and she feels that there is a substantial punch list of things that should have been completed on the project.  She questioned if there was a mechanism that the Board had to police these issues. Dan Merhalski stated that he has visited the site with Tania Hartford and the Building Department is holding the Certificate of Occupancy on the last unit until they are satisfied that all of the work has been completed.

Paul Durand noted that projects involving multiple certificates of occupancy are difficult to manage.

There being no further business to come before the Planning Board this evening a motion was made by Tim Ready to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved (9-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Eileen M. Sacco, Clerk
Salem Planning Board